OK I promised you tigers and here she is!
Rebecca Amy lit by a projector with tiger stripes. Another advantage of shooting with the Nikons. High ISO images that look like this! These were shot at ISO 3200 at f2.8 and 1/50 sec. The timing had to be spot on with Sarah guiding the projector on Rebecca's body, Rebecca moving slowly through some great poses and me just hitting the shutter at the right times.
I got this idea from a training session that Mark Cleghorn did on http://www.phototraining4u.co.uk/ which is a fabulous resource for photographers.
So I adapted Mark's idea and asked Sarah to make me a tiger. Cat like eye makeup and hair like a mane was perfect for the look I wanted. Rebecca was a star as usual, even when I put the wind machine on. Photographers, please don't use a wind machine for more than a minute on a nude model, they will freeze!

One with the wind machine on.
The studio was InFocus studios in Marple, it's a great location and with a huge infinity cove and two black fully curtained walls and more lights that anyone could use in one session. Great facilities and the best bit is that it's only a few minutes from my house. :)
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