In the initial plans I could see that we were going to be VERY tight on time. The ceremony scheduled for 1.30 was unlikely to be finished for 2.30. We also had five locations to deal with. Bridal prep at the couples house, groom prep at an hotel, the boys were then making a pit stop at a pub prior to arriving at the church and then onto the reception. Now that is not too demanding on a nice warm summers day. On a winter day with four inches of snow and sub zero temperatures it becomes a different ball game!
I was glad to be allowed to attend the rehersal on the Tuesday night and to meet Father Stephen who conducted the ceremony. An exceptional man and we hatched a plan between us that would keep the congregation indoors if we needed to. If we were at all late or the weather bad then that is what we would have to do. There was no way I could rely on getting to the reception venue in time to shoot anything in daylight! It is eight miles from the church. There was also the not inconsiderable fact that my scheduled second shooter was stuck in Barnsley with both roads over the hills closed due to snow and ice. Ian was an absolute star and stepped in to help for which I will be eternally grateful!
So Saturday dawned cold, crisp and clear with a decent snow fall. Thankfully Ian and I both had access to 4x4's so, having liberated those from our respective families, off we went. Ian did a great job with Robin and his family, even managing a snowball fight with his brother Simon. I was a little more conservative with the girls not wanting to trash the dress just yet! The road was like an ice rink and I could not even get the Land Rover to reverse into the drive!
We got to the church just about on time and I arranged with Father Stephen that we would indeed take up his kind offer to shoot the larger group shots in the church. I had already prepared an A5 notice which was put in all the pews to let the congregation know that we would be going this so they could be ready. Father Stephen also kindly announced at the recessional for the congregation to wait behind for a moment. We shot the 6 large group shots inside the church and headed out.

Arriving at the reception the light was plummeting over the horizon at an alarming rate so poor Aisling and Robin dashed off out into the snow.
Time for the Wedding Breakfast so back indoors for some very,very welcome hot food! Downloaded everything we had shot thus far, backed it all up, changed cards, checked batteries and set up some lighting to shoot the rest of the smaller family groups.
Speeches made, it was time for the families to adjourn to the other barn where we had already set up the lighting and we shot the family groups there. Back outside for the last few Bride and Groom shots in the dark before cake cutting and first dance.

Thanks to Ian for the valuable assistance and...
Aisling and Robin, thank you :) xxx
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